Unlock The Power of Bringing Balance to Your Hormones and Metabolism With Nutritional Therapy

Live Nourished: Your Path to a Healthy Lifestyle


Meet Jessica

Hey there, I’m Jessica, I have been a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner for the past 6 years empowering women navigating hormonal imbalances.

Having started going through perimenopause myself at the age of 38, I intimately understand the challenges that arise in perimenopause such as anxiety, fatigue and weight gain, just to name a few. Knowing the importance of nourishment and lifestyle adjustment to support this transition I’ve been on a mission to guide women through this transformative phase, replenishing depleted nutrients and minerals while fostering holistic well-being to thrive through perimenopause and beyond.

That’s why I created my 1:1 program Building Resilience In Perimenopause to help you navigate the changes that are happening, alleviate symptoms through nutrition and lifestyle changes.

“Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food”

— Hippocrates

Work with Me


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Discovery Call

Deciding to take your health in your own hands is the most important and empowering step!

Based on your goals, we can determine the right wellness protocol for your lifestyle, bringing it all into balance…

Let’s chat about what this looks like for you!

My Specific Health Programs

Building Resilience Through Perimenopause & Beyond

1-on-1 Coaching Program

Balance Your Hormones is a 12 week guided program to kick off a healthy new lifestyle.

It is inspired by the latest science-based nutrition education and it includes weekly calls, education, meal plans, guides and email support.

Do you ever have trouble sleeping? Feel tired during the day? Have difficulty concentrating or do you get irritable, moody and noticing that excess weight creeping in? Then this program is for you.

The program focuses on how to use Real Food, Herbs and Proper supplementation to boost your energy, reduce inflammation, support your mood, support the adrenals and hormone production.

Hormone & Metabolism Restoration Program

1-on-1 Coaching Program

Feel better for women at any age.

Embark on a transformative journey towards optimal health and vitality with our Hormone & Metabolism Restoration Program. Designed by experienced nutritional therapists, this comprehensive program offers a holistic approach to rebalancing your hormones and revitalizing your metabolism.

Our program begins with a thorough assessment of your unique health profile, including hormone levels, metabolic rate, dietary habits, and lifestyle factors. Based on this assessment, our expert team crafts a personalized plan tailored to address your specific needs and goals.

Sugar Detox

The sugar detox is a 5 week group program, held twice a year.

January to kick the new year off right and in May to start the summer off on the right foot! This is not a program of depravation, it’s focused on nutrient dense whole foods.

The benefits that past participates have experienced: Increased energy, more restful sleep, decreased anxiety, clothes fit better, boosted immune system, clarity and focus.

Part nutritional education, part sugar detox, part support group – an empowering combination! The RESTART Program is a simple, powerful way to give your body a vacation from sugar and processed foods. With a 3-week sugar detox built right in, the program focuses on how to use REAL FOOD to boost your energy and cut sugar and carb cravings.

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) is a screening test that measures levels of minerals and toxic metals present in your body, based on a sample of hair. 



Sleep Better for Women Over 40 and Beyond…

Have you noticed you aren’t sleeping as good as you used to? This is a common issue women experience in their 40’s and 50’s.

We all know good quality sleep is so important for our health. But, did you know that poor sleep can affect our hormones, making perimenopause worse? This guide has my top tips to improve your sleep helping you to wake up rested and energized so you can show up as the best version of yourself.

What My Customers Say

Elaine H Lee Linkedin.jpeg

“I truly enjoyed Jessica Turner’s Balance Your Hormones Course. I learned sooo much. Not only how different food affects people differently, but also how it is related to certain things. For example, I have hypertension and through taking this course, I was able to better identify the types of foods that help me keep my BP in check, while supporting and balancing my hormones.

— Elaine Executive Assistant to Chairman and CEO

Connie Amman Facebook.jpg

“I feel so much more in control now and I've been able to keep the changes in my daily routine. Second, I learned so much about nutrition, healthy fats, good/ bad choices for food and new recipes with the resources I received. […] Third, the amount of support I received Jessica was amazing.”

— Connie, Occupational Therapist

Joan-Croft Facebook.jpg

“Jessica's Restart saved me from further weight gain while recovering from foot surgery. I lost 14 pounds and am striving to lose more. […]  Jessica supplements the course material with more recipes and material. I became good at finding more recipes online. Balance Your Hormones is a program for better health, not a diet. Weight loss is the natural outcome. ”

— Joan , Retired